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Partnering with you for a brighter, better, healthier future

Systemair is a leading global supplier of high-quality ventilation, heating, and cooling products and systems. For over 50 years we’ve been serving customers with sustainable and energy-efficient HVAC products and solutions.

Ventilation changes everything

We spend around 90 percent of our time indoors: at home, at school or at work. Systemair makes it simple to breathe fresh air. We simplify, we guide and we are by your side. We are your most efficient and helpful partner in mastering your indoor air quality challenges. We bring out the power of people.


factories in 18 countries with a total warehouse and manufacturing floor space of more than 350,000 m2.

12.3 bill.

Sales of SEK 12.3 billions in financial year 2023/24


Employees worldwide in the Group.


companies are included in Systemair group



Listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange


Operations in 51 countries in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia, Australia and Africa


Founded 1974 by Chariman of the Board Gerald Engström


Highest available credit rating (AAA)

Focus on Sustainability

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