Sustainability targets

Systemair reports annually on its sustainability performance in the Annual and Sustainability report. Three key performance measures have been chosen as extra important concerning scopes 1 and 2 emissions, female leaders and work-related injuries with sickness absence.
reduced emissions,
scopes 1 and 2
By 2030/31
female leaders
By 2025/26
-15 %
work-related injuries leading to sickness absence
Year-over-year improvement of Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR)

50% Reduced emissions
Systemair has set a target to reduce Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 50 percent by 2030, relative to a base of our fiscal year 2019/20. The target is based on emission intensity – total emissions divided by cost of goods sold (COGS).
Tons of CO2 per Cost of Goods Sold
Scope 2 is calculated on marked-based emissions
Scopes 1 and 2 emissions and the change relative to base year 2019/20
Want to read more about our work on reducing greenhouse gas emissions?

25% Female leaders
Systemair regards diversity and equal opportunity as a strength and an enabler of making us more successful. Increasing the proportion of female leaders is a prioritised target and Systemair uses several measures to establish firmer ground for long-term positive developments in the area.
Female leaders
Difference relative to preceding year (%)

-15% Work-related injuries
During the past years we have sharply reduced the number of injuries resulting in sick leave, through focused work on improvements. Systemair continues to have a vision of zero injuries. Performance is monitored via the LTIFR (Lost time injury frequency rate) measure with 1,000,000 hours as normalization factor.
Work-related injuries leading to sickness absence
Difference relative to preceding year (%)
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Reports & Presentations
Systemair has a well-proven business concept and business model, which is reflected in steadily increasing sales and profit. A large share of our profits are invested in a forward-looking way in increased production development, sustainability initiatives and strategic acquisitions.