Annual Meeting 2024
Systemair's annual general meeting is held every year in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden.
The Annual General Meeting was held, in Swedish, on Thursday, 29 August 2024 at 3 p.m. in the auditorium, Systemair Expo, in Skinnskatteberg.
Annual & Sustainability Report 2023/24

A year of increased growth and a strong equity/assets ratio that is paving the way for
new development opportunities while the market as a whole continues to move in a
positive direction. Read the full Annual & Sustainability Report here:
Annual Meeting 2024, Documentation
- Invitation_AGM_2024_Systemair_AB.pdf
- Form_for_advance_voting_AGM_2024.pdf
- Minutes AGM 2024 Systemair AB
- The_Nomination_Committees_proposal_and_reasoned_statement_2023-24.pdf
- The_Board_of_Directors_proposal_for_a_resolution_to_issue_warrants_within_LTIP_2022.pdf
- The_Board_of_Directors_proposal_for_Disposition_of_profit_2023-24.pdf
- The_Board_of_Directors_proposal_for_guidelines_on_remuneration_for_Senior_executives_2024.pdf
- The_Board_of_Directors_proposal_for_LTIP_2024.pdf
- The_Board_of_Directors_proposal_on_authorising_the_Board_of_Directors_to_acquire_and_transfer_shares_in_the_Company.pdf
- The_Board_of_Directors_Renumeration_report_2023-24.pdf
- Auditor’s statement Chapter 8, section 54 Swedish Companies Act.pdf
Previous Annual Meetings, Documentation
Annual Meeting 2023
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, Aug 31 2023 (Swedish)
Invitation AGM 2023 Systemair AB
Form for advance voting AGM 2023
Guidelines on remuneration for senior executives 2023
The Board of Directors’ proposal for long term incentive programme 2023-2027
The Board of Directors’ proposal for disposition of profit 2022-23
Annual Meeting 2022
Annual and Sustainability Report 1 May 2021 - 30 April 2022
Protokoll, Systemair AB Årsstämma 2022-08-25
Remuneration report for Systemair AB (publ) 2021/22
The Board of Director´s proposal for a resolution to establish an incentive programme
Board of Director´s proposal for disposition of profit and dividends for 2021/22
Invitation to attend Systemair AB Annual General Meeting 2022
Annual Meeting 2021
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting Aug 26, 2021
Invitation to attend Systemair AB (publ)’s Annual General Meeting
Remuneration report for Systemair AB (publ) 2020/21
The Board’s proposal for guidelines on remuneration and other terms of employment for senior executives.
Board of Director’s proposal for disposition of profit and dividends for 2020/21
The Nomination Committee of Systemair AB's proposal and reasoned statement prior to the Annual General Meeting
The Board of Directors’ proposal for a resolution to establish an incentive programme (LTIP 2021)
Annual Meeting 2020
Systemair's Annual General Meeting on 26 August 2020
Shareholders in Systemair AB (publ), org. reg. no. 556160-4108, are hereby invited to attend the Company’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) at 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday 26 August 2020 in the Lecture Hall (Aulan) at Systemair Expo, Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. Registration at the AGM will open at 2.00 p.m.
As a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 it has been decided that no drinks or refreshments will be served, the usual speeches from the Chairman of the Board and the CEO will be minimized. Some restrictions will be imposed in terms of the number of present non-shareholders. In addition to the Chairman of the Board and the CEO, Board members and persons in the management group will attend the meeting to a limited extent. Concerning the authorities' regulations, Systemair would like to urge all shareholders to carefully consider the possibility of using the option of postal voting instead of physically attending the meeting. If you who are registered for the meeting experience illness symptoms such as a cold, cough, sore throat or fever, Systemair wants you to refrain from attending. This is to avoid further spread of infection. Systemair is closely monitoring future developments and will, if necessary, update the information on the company's website.
Annual Meeting 2019
Annual Meeting 2018
Annual Meeting 2017
Annual Meeting 2016
Annual Meeting 2015
Annual Meeting 2014
Annual Meeting 2013
Annual Meeting 2012
Systemair (NASDAQ OMX Stockholm: SYSR) held its Annual General Meeting on August 29, 2012 in the Systemair Expo in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. The Meeting voted unanimously in favour of the Board's proposal in all suggestions.
Annual Meeting 2011
Systemair AB held its Annual General Meeting on August 25, 2011 in the Systemair Expo in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. The Meeting voted unanimously in favour of the Board's proposal in all suggestions.
Annual Meeting 2010
Annual Meeting 2009
Systemair held the Annual General Meeting 2 September 2009 in Skinnskatteberg, Sweden. The Meeting voted unanimously in favour of the Board’s proposal in all suggestions.