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Northern lights illuminate the night sky over a mountain village, with numerous lights visible from buildings below.

Systemair's products to the world’s northernmost settlement

Systemair has been selected as the supplier of ventilation solutions for a renovation project in Longyearbyen on Svalbard, the world's northernmost city. With robust ventilation products that can withstand the Arctic climate, Systemair contributes to improved energy efficiency and living environment.

Systemair has been commissioned to deliver ventilation solutions to Longyearbyen on Svalbard, where the cold from the Arctic places demands on energy efficiency. Longyearbyen is one of the world's northernmost communities with a permanent population, and the site's climate requires robust products that can deliver a reliable indoor climate all year round. 
The project, called Blåmyra, includes renovation and energy efficiency improvements in a significant part of the housing stock for the community's 2000 residents. To meet conditions, Systemair has delivered Geniox units with adapted air distribution equipment for Arctic conditions. The units are produced in Norway with rotating heat exchangers to ensure that there is no freezing, the air distribution equipment comes from Systemair's plants in Slovakia and Sweden.

View of a blue multi-story building with numerous windows, situated on a snowy slope under a clear blue sky.

Blåmyra, Longyearbyen, Svalbard

Systemair has been commissioned to deliver ventilation solutions to Longyearbyen on Svalbard, where the cold from the Arctic places demands on energy efficiency. Longyearbyen is one of the world's northernmost communities with a permanent population, and the site's climate requires robust products that can deliver a reliable indoor climate all year round. 
The project, called Blåmyra, includes renovation and energy efficiency improvements in a significant part of the housing stock for the community's 2000 residents. To meet conditions, Systemair has delivered Geniox units with adapted air distribution equipment for Arctic conditions. The units are produced in Norway with rotating heat exchangers to ensure that there is no freezing, the air distribution equipment comes from Systemair's plants in Slovakia and Sweden. 

Together with Systemair's partners in Svalbard, an efficient ventilation system that improves the quality of living is now ensured. "Participating in projects like Blåmyra shows that our product offering stands firm even in more strenuous conditions," says Roland Kasper, CEO of Systemair. 
A little further south, a hospital project is underway in Narvik, Norway. Here, Systemair will supply 33 Geniox air handling units, smoke extract fans and accessories to create a healthy environment for patients and staff. The air handling units will provide optimal air quality to all areas of the hospital, from operating theatres to office spaces. "In Blåmyra and Narvik, our products improve the indoor climate for both homes and public environments. Being able to deliver reliable air quality in key environments with challenging needs demonstrates Systemair's broad capabilities," concludes Roland Kasper.  

For further information, please contact: 
Roland Kasper, CEO, + 46 73 094 40 13     
Anders Ulff, CFO, + 46 70 577 40 09

Roland Kasper