By your side for 50 years. And counting.
For half a century, Systemair has been forefront of delivering innovative, sustainable, and energy-efficient HVAC solutions to everyone, everywhere. A humble vision that began in Sweden in 1974 has grown into a global movement for a company that has expanded to 51 countries with a portfolio that includes 90 companies, all standing united in one mission: to provide fresh air for optimal indoor health and comfort, while upholding a steadfast commitment to environmental responsibility.
Our range has grown substantially to span a wide range of energyefficient fans, air handling units, air distribution products, air conditioning, air curtains, filters and heating products. Our products are robust and easy to choose, install and use. Operating from the values of simplicity and reliability, our business concept is to develop, manufacture and market high-quality ventilation products. On the basis of our business concept and with our customers in focus, our aim is to be your most efficient and helpful partner in mastering your indoor air quality challenges.

The History of Systemair
1970s and 1980s
The company was founded as LHG kanalfläkt, and production began in Skinnskatteberg. More than 50% of production was exported to Norway.
The first sales subsidiary, LHG Kanavapuhallin, was established in Finland.
The German manufacturer of fan motors Ziehl-Abegg and ebmpapst were suppliers from the start, then became partners through their Swedish subsidiary Ziehl-ebm, today ebm-papst AB, the second largest shareholder in Systemair.
Acquisition of 50% of the shares in RB Kanalfläkt, USA and the remaining 50% in 2001/2002.
Sales company acquired in Denmark.
Norwegian sales company Jolin Produkter A/S acquired in stages.
Acquisition of then OTC-listed Frico AB, a specialist in air curtains and fan heaters.
Enviroment Air, Canada, manufacturer of residential air handling units, acquired.
Acquisition of factory in Bouctouche, Canada, a production facility for the North American market.
Own representative office in Moscow, Russia.
Acquisition of SCIE Systemair, previously sales agent in France. The name was later taken by the whole Group.
Acquisition of Europair, Södertälje, manufacturer of air terminal devices. LTI Lüftungstechnik, Windischbuch, Germany, now the second largest production unit and central ware house.LTI's sales companies in the UK, Poland and Singapore became the first subsidiaries to be renamed Systemair.
Acquisition of the sales company APF Group, Estonia, with subsidiary in Latvia.
Establishment of representative office in Shanghai, China.
New distribution centre in Skinnskatteberg.
Acquisition of Danvent, Denmark, which produces air handling units, and 75% of the shares in UAB Alitas, Lithuania.
Sales subsidiary in Turkey under the Systemair name.
Systemair adopted as the common name of the entire Gruop.
Acquisition of Veab Heat Tech, Hässleholm, Auranor Aggregater of Eidsvoll, Norway, and sales company Bivent, Austria.
Sales companies founded in Hong Kong, Hungary and Ireland.
Acquisition of sales company Meijdijk Ventilatietechnik of the Netherlands, Klockargården in Skinnskatteberg, 26,000 m2 of buildings and 30 ha of land.
Acquisition of Fans&Spares, UK, Gelu, a German manufacturer of air curtains, Antlia, a distributor in Switzerland, and establishment of a new sales company in Belgium.
Sales companies in Romania and South Africa established. Start-up of production facility in Ukmergé, Lithuania.
Acquisiton of Marvent, Slovenia, Multiventilaco, a sales company in Portugal and establishment om sales companies in the Unitdes Arab Emirates, Spain and India. Gerald Engström, then CEO of Systemair, named Entrepreneur of the Year in Sweden.
Acquisition of Altexa, Austria and Imos, Slovakia, as well as the assets of Matthews & Yates, United Kingdom.
Acquisition of Koolclima, Spain, Climaproduct, Italy and establischment of Systemair Software, India.Systemair was awarded the Swedish Trade Council´s Export Prize. Systemair was listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm exchange.
Acquisition of Megcool Industries, Malaysia, and the assets of Emerson Ventilation, Products, Uníted States.
Acquisition of Energo Plus, Slovenia, W.C. Wood, Air Humidifier Dept, Canada, and Ravistar, India.
In February 2011, CEO Gerald Engström was awarded H.M. the King´s Medal, 12th size with the ribbon of the Order of the Seraphim, for outstanding contributions to Swedish business.
Acquisition of Polish sales company Foko, Czech sales company VKV, Dutch ventilation company Rucon and companies in the Aaldering Group engaged in the production and sales of air curtains in Germany and the Netherlands. In January, minority stakes in Systemair AS, Estonia, and IMOS-Systemair, Slovakia, were acquired.
Establishment of sales company in Chile.
Acquisition of sales companies DTTermo, Serbia and Montenegro and Frivent,Germany.
Acquisition of the Russian salescompany Ventrade.
Acquisition of Airwell, Italy, manufacturer of chillers, and IAPL, India, manufacturer of airhandling units and Kryotherm, Sweden.
Acquisition of Holland Heating, a manufacturer of air handling units in the Netherlands.
Acquisition of Change Air, Canada, a manufacturer of classroom ventilation air handling units.
Acquisition of 90 percent of the shares in Turkish company HSK, a leading manufacturer of air handling units in Turkey.
Acquisition of Menerga GmbH, Germany, a leading European producer of air handling units for swimming pool and comfort ventilation.
Acquisition of Reftec AS, a supplier of commercial air conditioning and heat pumps, in Norway.
Acquisition of Menerga’s sales company in Austria and Switzerland.
Acquisition of Menerga’s sales companies in Hamburg, Hanover, Berlin and Frankfurt.
Acquisition of Airwell, France, a manufacturer of air conditioning products in France.
Acquisition of Lautner Energiespartechnik GmbH, Germany.
Acquisitions of sales companies Camair of Belgium, Airwell of Germany and Menerga of Norway.
Roland Kasper was appointed as new CEO of Systemair AB. At the AGM, Gerald Engström was elected as new Chairman of the Board.The Swedish business was divided into two companies. The company Systemair AB became a streamlined holding company with corporate staff and group functions. The newly formed company Systemair Sverige AB conducts production and sales operations in Sweden. Systemair opened our renovated and expanded factory in Slovakia, where we manufacture air distribution products and fire dampers.
Acquisition of 75 percent of the shares in Brazilian company Traydus, a leading manufacturer of customised air handling units and fan coil units in Brazil.
Acquisition of Alitis, which markets and distributes Systemair’s products in Belarus and Kaliningrad.
Acquisition of the manufacturing of air handling units from Kolektor Koling d.o.o., Slovenia.
Acquisition of Menerga NV, a distributor of Menerga’s products in Belgium.
Acquisition of Menerga Polska was completed. The company retails Menerga’s products in Poland.
Acquisition of the Czech company group 2VV. The company is a leader in the development and manufacturing of industrial and residential air handling units and air curtains for commercial applications in the region.
Acquisition of the assets of TTL Tür + Torluftschleier Lufttechnische Geräte GmbH, a German a high-end manufacturer of air curtains for commercial applications.
Acquisition of the Austrian company FRIVENT Luft- & Wärmetechnik GmbH, a high-quality manufacturer of air handling units.
Acquisition of Frivent Luft- & Wärmetechnik GmbH, Austria. The company sells products for commercial and industrial use.
Acquisition of the South African company Viking Air Conditioning, a marketleading manufacturer of air handing units with integrated cooling.
Acquisition of Syneco GmbH, Switzerland, which sells and services Menerga's products.
Acquisition of 49.9 percent of the shares in Burda WTG Gmbh which sells and develops radiant heaters for outdoor use.
Acquisition of 21 percent of the shares in Pacific HVAC Engineering, Australia. The company is a wholesaler of ventilation products in the Australian market.
Acquisition of Greentek in Canada. The company develops, manufactures and sells high-quality air handling units with heat recovery, for homes in the Canadian and USA markets.
Acquisition of the Spanish company Koolair. Koolair is a leading manufacturer of air distribution products.
Acquisition of Australian company Pacific HVAC Engineering. The company is a distributor of ventilation products and produces a range of fans. The company has been renamed Pacific Ventilation.
Acquisition of 60 percent of the shares in Systemair Maroc. The company sells Systemair’s products in Morocco and West Africa.
Acquisition of 60 percent of the Danish sales company Tempus Heat A/S. The company is a distributor of Frico’s heating products and provides servicing.
Acquisition of the remaining 50.1% of the shares in Burda WTG in Germany. BURDA WTG develops, produces and supplies infrared radiant heaters and heating panels and associated control equipment with several own patents.
World Expo 2020 will take place in Dubai in 2021. The official theme of Expo 2020 is ”Connecting Minds – Creating the Future”. Systemair is responsible for the air conditioning and ventilation of the Swedish pavilion.
On January 3, 2022, Systemair moves to Nasdaq Stockholm's Large Cap segment.
Acquisition of 80% of the Italian company Tecnair LV S.p.A. from LU-VE Group, listed on the Milan Stock Exchange, and the remaining 20% from the Monti family.
Systemair discontinues its deliveries to Russia and Belarus. Systemair has been operating in Russia since 1990. Due to the geopolitical situation in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, Systemair has discontinuing all deliveries to Russia and Belarus.
Systemair entered into an agreement with Panasonic Corporation's Heating & Ventilation A/C Company intending to divest the air-conditioning business, to sell all outstanding shares in Systemair S.r.l, and Tecnair S.p.A in Italy, and in due course the business conducted by the air-conditioning sales employees in Systemair GmbH in Germany. The agreement was completed on March 1, 2023.
Systemair organises a capital markets day and will give investors, analysts and financial media an update of the company's strategy with a focus on growth, profitability, sustainability and smart energy-efficient products.
Acquisition of the remaining 40% of the shares in the sales company in Morocco and subsequently owns all shares in Systemair Maroc.
Systemair has acquired UK-based SCS Engineering Ltd, and its subsidiary Smoke Control Services Ltd, together Group SCS. Group SCS is a UK-based leader in smoke control solutions for residential and commercial buildings.
Systemair acquired the aggregates manufacturer PHEM Engineering SDN. BHD. in Malaysia. PHEM Engineering is a manufacturer of air handling units and fans for commercial applications with sales in South East Asia and Australia. Systemair already has an operation in Malaysia that employs approximately 140 people.
Systemair has decided to close Menergas' production in Muelheim an der Ruhr, Germany, in 2024. The factory manufactured high-efficiency ventilation units for swimming pools,
water parks and low-energy buildings. In parallel with the closure of Muelheim an der Ruhr, Systemair's existing high-efficiency plant in Maribor, Slovenia will increase production of Menergas products.
In 2024, Systemair celebrated 50 years. From the start in 1974, with just a handful of employees in Skinnskatteberg, to employing over 6,600 people around the world in over 50 countries. This milestone was celebrated during the year in several countries and in October with over 600 Systemair Sweden employees. 50 amazing years of creating better air, every day, all over the world. During the year, several of our operations in various countries also celebrated 30 years, including in Germany, which today is one of the largest companies within the Systemair group.