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CEO's comments

Organic growth is back and order intake buoyant in several key markets, while we see potential for recovery in a number of other markets.

 %,   SEK
A silver metro train stopped at a station platform with people waiting under a red metal roof.

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation choses Systemair, again

Proper ventilation within the metro system is crucial as it ensures the comfort and well-being of passengers by maintaining air quality and preventing the build-up of pollutants and heat.

The share

Over the past 10 years, the Company’s average growth has amounted to 9 percent.

Investor Relations

March 06, 2025, 07:00 CET
Systemair AB Interim Report Q3 2024/25
August 07, 2024, 08:00 CEST
Systemair Annual and Sustainability Report 2023/24

Press releases

Key figures



Average annual growth in sales over the last 10 years. 



Net sales R12



Adjusted operating margin 2024-24.


Anders Ulff


[email protected]

+46 222 44 009

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Financial targets and achievements

Systemais works towards specific targets for growth, profitability, financial position and dividend. 

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Financial data

Follow the development of the share at Nasdaq Stockhom Large Cap.

Corporate governance

As a Swedish public limited liability company, Systemair AB´s corporate governance is based on Swedish rules and legislation.