Financial targets

Goal, 10%
Average annual growth in sales over a business cycle should be no less than 10 percent.
The goal is to be achieved through
organic growth and acquisitions. Sales growth has averaged 9.0 percent annually over the past ten years. Growth is to be achieved via product development and increased market shares, as well as by expansion of the product range through acquisitions or start-ups.
Net sales for the financial year 2023/2024 increased by 1.6%
Goal, 10%
The average operating margin over a business cycle should be no less than 10 percent.
The operating margin has averaged 7.2 percent over the past ten years and 8.5 percent over the past five years. In the Company’s view, the current restructuring measures, existing structure and product programme otherwise offer good prospects for attaining this goal.
The operating margin for the financial year 2023/2024 was 8.8%
Financial position
Goal, 30%
The Group’s equity/assets ratio should be no less than 30 percent.
The Group’s financial position is sound, with an equity/assets ratio of 57.7 percent on 30 April 2024. The Company continually assesses opportunities for strategic acquisitions and our financial position allows scope for continued acquisitions and investments.
The equity/assets ratio for the financial year 2023/24 was 57.5%
Dividend policy
Goal, 40%
In view of Systemair’s ambitions for
growth, the goal for dividend is set at around 40 percent of the Company’s profit after tax.
The AGM determines the dividend to be paid, having considered the Board’s recommendation. The aim is to secure a stable financial position for continued acquisitions, the establishment of sales companies and progressive expansion of production capacity. At the same time, shareholders should receive a reasonable share of the Company’s annual earnings.
The Annual General Meeting held on 29th of August 2024 decided on a dividend of 1.20 SEK (1.10) per share. This corresponds to 38 (38) percent of the profit after tax.