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Share capital development

The description below of Systemair´s share capital is based on the structure of the 
Company´s share capital after being listed on the Nasdaq OMX Nordic Exchange in Oct 2007.

The share capital has changed as follows from 1994:

YearEventQuotient valueIncrease inShare capitalTotal sharesTotal no.shares
1993/94Bonus issue, Series A shares1007,000,00010,000,000100,000 
1994/95New issue, Series A shares10014,000,00024,000,000240,000 
1995/96Bonus issue, Series A shares10026,000,00050,000,000500,000 
2005/06New issue, Series B shares1002,000,00052,000,000520,000 
2006/07100:1 split152,000,00052,000,000 
2007/08Reregistration of shares to one type152,000,00052,000,000 
2021/22Split 4:10,25-52,000,000208,000,000 

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