Systemair Nomination Committee
At the annual meeting on 3 September 2009 it was decided that the Nomination Committee should contain representatives for the three largest owners together with the Chairman of the Board.
We hereby announce that, after consultations with the company´s three largest owners, a Nomination Committee has been appointed, containing the following:
Gerald Engström (Chairman), Färna Invest AB
Lars Hansson (Chairman of the Board, Systemair AB)
Peter Rönström, representing Lannebo fonder
Gerhard Sturm, representing ebmpapst AB
Shareholders who wish to contact the Nomination Committee are invited to send an e-mail to Glen Nilsson, CFO, Systemair AB,
The annual meeting will held on 26 August 2010.
For further information please contact:
Lars Hansson, Chairman of the Board, +46 70 895 90 02
Gerald Engström, CEO, +46 222 440 01, + 46 70 519 00 01
Systemair AB, 739 30 Skinnskatteberg, + 46 222-440 00,
The information here is that which Systemair has willingly chosen to make public or that which it is obliged to make public according to the Swedish Securities Market Act and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act.
Systemair in brief
Systemair is a leading ventilation company with operations in 38 countries in Europe, North America, the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Australia. The company generated a turnover in excess of SEK 3.3 billion during the 2008/09 financial year and has just over 2,000 employees. Since Systemair was founded in 1974, the company has increased its turnover every year while also demonstrating good profitability. For the past 10 years, average growth has been in the region of 15 per cent. The Group comprises about 60 companies.
Systemair has a well established presence on growth markets. The Group's products are marketed under the brand names Systemair, Frico, VEAB, and Fantech. Systemair has been listed on the Nasdaq OMX NordicExchange in Stockholm, Midcap list, since October 2007.