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Sustainability Work

At Systemair we put responsible business high on the agenda. Managing our sustainability strategy and commitments in a structured and dedicated way creates real progress and transparency for our key stakeholders.

The Group Management own Systemair’s sustainability strategy and are responsible for its priorities and progress to ensure that efforts are in line with Systemair’s overall strategy as well as stakeholder material interests. The Group Sustainability Director coordinates, facilitates and develops the group sustainability strategy, targets and plans. 

The sustainability strategy consists of four focus areas with three core issues each. The core issues all have an owner in Group Management. For development and progress there is an assigned responsible being the one most closely associated to the core issue. As an example, our Group Manufacturing Director is responsible for development and progress of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations (Scopes 1 and 2), and our Group Purchasing Director is responsible for development and progress of how we manage our suppliers in a responsible way. 

The core issues have associated key metrics and, in most cases, a selected target to monitor progress. A development plan is updated at least annually to summarize the key activities needed for progress. This is followed-up regularly, where several metrics are gathered quarterly from each subsidiary creating a clear and frequent overview of progress. The quarterly and annual reporting are performed through an online reporting software for accurate data and easiness to analyse and break down specific metrics. The quarterly and annual reported data is feedbacked in a report to each subsidiary MD. 

Systemair’s progress in our focus areas for our sustainability strategy is reported to the Board of Directors at least once per year and each subsidiaries Business Board conducts a review of each company’s status and progress on the core issues 2-3 times per year. 

For each core issue necessary policies and guidelines are developed, reviewed and updated at least annually to ensure that our position on key sustainability issues is clear throughout the Group and then communicated through necessary channels as well as made available on Systemair’s global management system. 

Our internal control environment for sustainability encompasses both financial follow-up and control by our Production Board, the Group’s central production development organisation. Audits include health and safety, environmental issues and energy use. After every audit, a report is generated that is then followed up in the company’s management functions. Systemair analyses its risks related to sustainability questions at least annually and it is part of Systemair’s overall risk management process to ensure that risks are identified, assessed and then managed in a responsible way.