In one year, our products are estimated to help reduce energy usage by 1.9 TWh. This represents a total reduction in annual carbon dioxide emissions of no less than 500,000 tons. Equivalent to the emissions from 280,000 cars.

Sustainability strategy
As a core part of our strategy, sustainability is an integral part of our business, enabling a holistic approach that creates value for all our stakeholders.
Key figures 2023/24
Reductions in emissions intensity
Systemair has set a target of cutting its emissions intensity by half latest 2030 compared to 2019. In 2023/24 we have reduced our emissions intensity with 33%.
Reduction of energy usage from buildings
Our products contribute to a reduced energy use in buildings. In one year this corresponds to almost 2 TWh, which is equal to almost 500 000 tons of avoided CO2 emissions.

Women in leading
Diversity is important in all levels of our company. As part of this Systemair has a target of having at least 25% females in managerial positions latest 2025.
Work-related injuries with sickness absence
At Systemair we have vision of zero injruies. We pay extra attention to reducing the injuries that lead to sickness absense.

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Solar power investments
To invest in solar panels is not just a statement that Systemair is committed to sustainability, the rising energy prices have also made it increasingly economically favorable.

Engineers of the future
Being a responsible business can take many different forms. It doesn't just have to be about customers, suppliers and employees. It can also be about the ventilation experts of the future.

Reducing our products carbon footprint
Systemair Spain has agreed with its steel supplier to buy “greener” steel. The steel has a 70% lower carbon footprint than 'normal' steel.