Solar power investments
To invest in solar panels is not just a statement that Systemair is committed to sustainability, the rising energy prices have also made it increasingly economically favorable. Systemair companies in Turkey, Slovakia and Belgium have recently invested in solar energy.
2 200 solar panels in Turkey
Systemair Turkey has invested in solar energy. The recently finished installation consists of 2 200 solar panels on the roof of the Turkish factory in Dilovasi.
- We are very proud and happy for this investment, says Ayşegül Eroğlu, deputy general manager at Systemair Turkey. It is an investment in sustainability, but also an investment to lower costs. According to the accredited software and meteorological data in the region where the factory is located, the solar power plant will produce as much as 1 400-1 500 MWh every year.
- Since the electricity consumption for the factory last year was about 1 000 MWh, the investment will not only cut the electricity bills, Systemair will also receive payments for the extra electricity that is produced and transferred to the interconnected grid. Depending on the electricity costs, the ROI for the investment will be approximately 2-3 years.

1 110 solar panels in Slovakia
It is not just Turkey that has invested in solar energy. Also in Slovakia solar panels have been installed on the roof of the production facility in Kalinkovo outside of Bratislava.
The roof has 1 110 solar panels, 555 optimizers and 4 inverters. The yearly capacity is about 486 MWh which equals 26 % of the production facility´s electricity consumption. It also equals 54 tons of reduced CO2 emissions (or 2 950 planted trees). The estimated time for return of investment is short.
- We have made this investment for several reasons, says Maroš Chlebo at Systemair in Kalinkovo. First of all, it is a clear statement that we pay attention to sustainability. We plan to present a whole system overview in application at the reception of our office building so the visitors can see that we are doing something towards CO2 footprint reduction. If the actual energy price does not decrease too much, the whole investment has a payback time that is less than three years. That means that in short time it will generate significant savings to us.

64 000 watts in Belgium
In Arschot Belgium, Menerga and Systemair have invested in a solar cell installation with a 64kW capacity. The property in question houses both the teams from Menerga Belgium and Systemair North Belgium.
- The installation provides energy to the office, it charges our cars and the rest we sell and send out to the grid, says Johan Verplaetsen at Menerga Belgium. Thanks to this investment, now 50 % of our vehicle fleet has been replaced by electric cars, and more is coming. This has also inspired our colleagues from Systemair Northern Belgium to start converting their fleet.
- Johan Verplaetsen adds that the solar cell project is successful in several ways. The property is energy positive as it produces more electricity than we consume. We expect the investment to pay for itself in a few years. The project has also made us review our electricity consumption and production and switch to the electricity provider that gives us the best price.

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